Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ugly Betty

I really enjoyed doing Ugly Betty. It happens to be a show I already watch and to be able to relate it to our class was really interesting. One of the things said in class that I found really interesting was that the actress that plays the part of Ugly Betty was told that she was too pretty to play the role. That they had to make her ugly or what the show portrays is that in a way she is normal. It was brought up in class that if she is what society is “normal” why did they call the show Ugly Betty? I think they had to name the show Ugly Betty because no one wants to watch a show called Normal Betty, it’s a catch phrase. I think the show does a good job of showing that she is what is “normal” in a society or culture that has expectations that are not “normal”. In a way the show is making fun of the high fashion society, showing that it is somewhat ridiculous. By making Betty a Hispanic and of lower class shows other struggles that she has, making the show more dramatic. The majority of world is lower class; it’s a struggle that many women or men have, getting a job and trying to follow their dreams while still having to support themselves or a family.

I love how the nephew is gay or very feminine. I think it shows a lot about society, how it is becoming more accepted. Showing that is it ok for a boy to be feminine. If you think about it, it’s ok for a girl to be “masculine”, for her to be a tom-boy, but until recently it is not seen as ok for a boy to want to do “girl” things. I think the show is showing what “normal” is really. That it is normal to not be a size zero, be able to wear and afford clothes that are in style and for a boy to be feminine. Although Normal Betty may not sell, I think it’s what it’s really showing.

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