Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Book vs Movie

I have not exactly finished the book yet but when I saw the movie the other night it surprised me that the hole movie was so similar to the book. The dialogue and everything seemed exactly straight from the book, which was surprising because usually movies that are filmed by the story from a book are usually very different from the book, usually there are more differences between the movie and the book than similarities. But in Maurice it seemed exactly the same as the book.
One major difference in the movie than the book was when Risley was arrested for what seemed like gay prostitution. This part of the movie definitely emphasized the fact that homosexuality was forbidden in England. It is also known in the book that homosexuality is forbidden but without a scene like this one, it is only known to the reader through underlying suggestions that homosexuality was socially unacceptable. The movie also makes it seem like Clive decides to end his relationship with Maurice because of what happens to Risley. Clive stays away from Maurice and starts to suggest that they should fall in love with women because Clive does not want anyone to find out about his relationship with Maurice and lose his career and his reputation.
Another difference that I saw was that in the book Maurice starts to have lustful emotions towards a younger boy and realizes what he was doing and feels ashamed. Maurice feels guilty and ashamed because he hit on a young boy and when the boy did not respond to Maurice he then realized that he had to be more careful of his emotions, whether it is love or just lust, and to whom his emotions are towards. This part was not in the movie.
I liked the fact that the movie was mostly the same as the book because it was easier to follow the story line. I enjoy movies better than reading the book because I am a visual learner and being able to actually see the story helps me understand it better.

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