Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Movie verus Book

I have mixed feelings about how the film accurately portrayed the book, Maurice. First of all, the characters were not how I would have portrayed each of them from reading the book. Maurice is supposed to have dark hair and Clive blond which in fact is opposite in the movie. Also, the movie leaves out certain scenes that I thought were important for revealing Maurice’s character. Also, the movie really portrays homosexuality as being a not normal/anti-Christian “bad” thing, whereas, in the book I feel the author doesn’t negate the morality of homosexuality quite as much. For instance, in the movie there is a scene where Risley solicits sex from another man getting caught and jailed by the police. In the movie Risley is actually seen jailed for immortality whereas the book does not show that. Also, many of the letters between Clive and Maurice are not shown in the movie, particularly when Clive goes to Greece. I feel that one letter was quite important from Clive to Maurice when he is explaining all of his feeling. In the movie none of what Clive is thinking and feeling about Maurice at this time is recognized. His first bout of influenza is also not shown. Overall the movie did portray some scenes quite accurately, such as when Clive faints at the dinner table and cries, and does a good job showing their love for one another. I like how Maurice stays true to his sexuality throughout the book and the movie despite Clive’s decision to become “normal”.

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