Wednesday, January 31, 2007

end of reading

Throughout the last reading that was assigned, I found a few parts particularly interesting. The first being Maurice’s relationship with Scudder. This relationship was based on love and lust showing that the men truly cared for each other. They shared feelings that Clive and Maurice would have never expressed. This is seen in the part where Hall tells Durham about his relationship with Scudder. Clive was in no way jealous, but more so disgusted as to how much they shared with each other.
Maurice found a mutual happiness with Scudder, which they were able hide from the public, but still get past the fact that they didn’t care as much sexually for women. In such a culture, being gay, was considered “rubbish”, so Maurice tried to fix his sexual preferences in order to get married and carry on with a “normal” life with a wife and kids. In order to “fix” his sexuality to like women he tried to get hypnotized, however it obviously did not work.
Another thing I found interesting was the difference in class status between Maurice and Alec. This made me think back to the Halperin essay during the Greek ages. When men experienced with other men, although it was more for pleasure and not as much as a relationship. Maurice was the one who had more power, as Alec was a worker for Clive. As the times had changed they could get passed that and base their relationship on more than just pleasure.

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