Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Modern Day Bisexual

Today, people say be Gay or be Straight. Choose a team. Pick a side. It’s annoying to think that people could be in the middle. They’re like Switzerland. STOP BEING NEUTRAL!!! You can’t have everything that you want. Of course, you could debate, “Why not?” But life isn’t that perfect. Bisexual lifestyle is not fair. It’s too much in the grey area for me. I don’t care if you are gay. I don’t have a problem with it AT ALL. If you’re into the same sex, then be into them. You can’t have both. You just can’t! It’s not fair to those of us that have already made up our mind. If a man is bisexual and falls in love with a woman and they get married and so on, does that mean that he made a decision? No, maybe, I don’t know. That’s why I don’t like the concept of being a bisexual. There always a question mark. Now, here is where the other side of me comes out. I think that it would be a perfect world, a Utopia of sorts, if everyone was bisexual. I am not meaning to contradict myself. My point is, we should live in a world where there is no Gay or Straight, where there isn’t even Bisexual. I hope that one day we can live in a world where people are in love with human beings. I basically hope that the Athenian culture that Halperin is talking about comes back. Men can love men or women and the same goes for women. It was just a way of life then and hopefully it will be the way of life in the future. A future where the world is grey. But we live in a world that is black and white. I do not think I will live to see that future, but I still hope it will come. Until then, conform to the masses. Gay or Straight. Choose a side.

1 comment:

probertson said...

At first reading, I was irritated by your opinion in this post. However, as I continued reading, I became excited by the real point you were attempting to make. I completely agree with you. I am a firm believer that it is the person one falls in love with and that it has nothing to do with the sex of that person. Just thought I'd tell you I liked what you had to say.