Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Brick and Big Daddy

"Brick, nobody thinks that that's not normal."-Big Daddy

The coversation between Brick and Big Daddy (the one we discussed that spanned several pages) provided the reader with enough leeway to read between the lines. I personally think that Big Daddy experimented with other men when he was younger. He was also trying to tell Brick that it's okay. That men can have relationships with other men. Brick on the other hand, tried to completly disregard who his father was saying. Brick was afraid to admit that he has/had a relationship with Skipper. The movie does a horrible job at portraying this. Tennessee Williams wrote this play as a critique of contemporary attirudes regarding homosexuality. In that sense I did not like the movie.

As part of the discussion on Brick and Big Daddy's dialogue, we in class looked at modern views of homosexuality. There were many strong points made during this discussion.
1- The internet and global;ization has drastically changed society's attitudes towards homosexuality
2- Rural areas are not up to date
3- Our generation overall has a very accepting view of homosexuality
4- Ignorance is still present in a number of cases

I would also like to add to this. I firmly do believe that homosexuality has moved to the forefront of pop culture. People who see homosexuality as wrong or a sin are ignorant, uneduacted, hypocritical assholes.

Bigots are no one's friend, and a sign of insecurities. People act like morons when it comes to something they don't know. Anyways, who in this class does not know at least one gay person? If you don't your probably blind, close-minded, or not exposed to diversity, or have access to global society, or history. Look at the Greeks and Romans- founders of western civilization.

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