Wednesday, March 21, 2007


In class yesterday we talked about the cultural associations made with vampires and the one that seemed to come up most is that they are perceived as seductive. I don’t know if it is because I get queasy around blood or that I never found interest in vampire novels or movies, but I do not find vampires seductive at all. The scene in the movie where Lestat turned Louis into a vampire disgusted me if anything. I can see how the fact that they are unknown can make vampires appealing.

While reading the novel, I felt pity for both Louis and Claudia. Besides their love for each other, they both seem lonely and unhappy. Being immortal and unhappy does not seem appealing. Until Claudia came along, not matter how much Louis hated Lestat, he could not leave him because it is better for him to live with somebody he cannot stand than to live alone. Louis says that he stays with Lestat because he is afraid that he has not learned everything Lestat knows, but I think it is more because he fears living forever with nobody to relate to.

On a side note, while watching the film, all I kept thinking was how I wished that they could have found somebody else to cast as Lestat than Tom Cruise. Something about him makes me uninterested in his character. I think I would have enjoyed the movie more if he wasn’t in it.

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