Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Homosexuality and Society

[Apparently when I was looking back on this blog…I realized that none of my posts were actually posted. So I must rewrite them. I think that I have been doing something wrong. So I will try again.]

Homosexuality and Society

I feel that, in society today, views of homosexuality are greatly related to the town someone comes from. Big cities, to me, seem a lot more welcoming to homosexuality than smaller ones. Lack of education and ignorance is what I feel builds the wall of homophobia for most people, as well as some religious views. Its amazing how someone can hate someone so much, yet know absolutely nothing about them. I come from a very small town, where a lot of people are extremely religious. Id say that most people there view it almost as an illness or a disease. My dad is a physician and takes care many gay individuals. He is popular within the gay community because he actually treats them like anybody else. In our town, many of the other doctors, would see them, but were extremely disrespectful to them, and would hardly give them the time of day.

My view on homosexuality remains the same as it always has. My parents really enforced in our heads that homosexuality was not an evil thing, despite being brought up Catholic, where a lot of people felt that it was. Ever since high school, I never really had a problem with it. I felt that people liked whom they liked, and that it was their business and no one else’s. None of us has the right to judge one another. I came from a pretty small town so I never really knew too many gay people. I don’t think that I really knew any at all. However, since I’ve been at college, I’ve met a lot. They are no different from any one else. A person is a person, now matter what sexual orientation they are.

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