Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof/Interview with a Vampire

I watched the movie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and thought that the movie director changed it quite a bit from the play. Big mama did not look how I imagined her to be. I imagined her to be a big boned, big breasted, and pretty much big all around woman instead she was so little compared to Big Daddy. I thought she would only be a little smaller than him. The ending was also different than I both endings because even though Maggie did tell everyone that she was pregnant, the two play endings inferred that they were going to have a baby but the movie ending they actually started to create a baby. In the beginning when Maggie is trying to seduce Brick, Brick shows no emotion at all in a close up of Maggie getting close around Brick, she has her shirt off and only bra/undershirt with a medium shot. I think the casting director chose Elizabeth Taylor as Maggie because she was considered a sex symbol when she was younger. The director could also have chosen Marilyn Monroe, another sex symbol. Because she is considered such a sex symbol, the director was making a point to the viewing audience that this guy (Brick) must be gay or crazy not to fall for her. If the casting director chose someone not as big of a sex symbol, the point wouldn't have been so clear. Brick was also the object of desire for Maggie because even while he was an alcoholic, she said that he was still pretty. I enjoyed watching Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
I also started Interview with the Vampire. I am enjoy reading it a lot and I couldn't believe that Dr. A said that Interview with the Vampire is an erotic book. I was at first dumbfounded because I could never imagine that until I started reading the book. I agree with her because the scenes between the vampires and the way in which they are sensual could be considered erotic. It is a very interesting story and I can't wait to see what is going to happen. Also, I can't wait to see the movie with Brad Pitt!

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