Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Interview with a Vampire

At class yesterday we discussed certain topics relating to vampires such as a vampire's sexuality, alternative sexuality, and the vampire metaphor. In addition we also talked about such issues as Claudia as a sexual being. It is weird to think of children as sexual but according to Freud, children are very sexual. That is the age when most children start to experiment either with themselves or with others. Freud even has psychosexual stages of development. They are oral, anal, phallic, latency period and genital stage. According to Freud, the phallic stage is when boys start to experiment with their male genitals. Freud's research was based on previous psychosexual stages that influence people in later life. We were talking about Daniel Radcliffe being nude in the play, Equus. It was such a big deal in America that someone was not going to have any clothes on at all because that is not common in America. But unlike America, Europe is more socially open and did not mind that there were nude actors in the play but were surprised that such a young boy would do it. Daniel Radcliffe is only 17 or 18 years old. Even though the scene only lasts about seven minutes, it was written up in all the papers and made a big deal of. The scene should not have been a big deal because it was in almost complete darkness, and most of the time Radcliffe was facing the other way. It was weird when Claudia turned into the vampire because it all of a sudden made a little girl, who was innocent at first, erotic. The second that Claudia turns into a vampire she is no longer innocent and starts sucking people's blood with Lestat. It was also perverted that Louis, who acts as a father figure, is in love with Claudia. He describes her as beautiful and with great detail. It is uncomfortable for me to think as children as sexual beings because they are so young and innocent.

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