Monday, April 23, 2007

Americas Next Top Model

Americas Next Top Model (ANTM) is sincerely one of my favorite reality television shows. Tyra Banks is sensational and hillarious. The cast is always delightful.

Based on the conversation around the clips shown in class I have come up with a list of of the main points. I am only speaking from my own perepective(which I define as modern, realistic and masculine). Also, I completely disagree with both the beauty and porn myths.
-models are tall, thin and gorgeous
-models have to be tall, thin and gorgeous
-not everyone looks like a model
-the majority of americans are fat
-being fat is ugly
-most americans are average looking

-why be average?
-with dedication, time, and hard work anyone can look their best
-being thin usually reflects being healthy
-everyone should want to be healthy
- being lean and thin adds to a persons self-esteem

-there were 2 plus sized models on ANTM this season
-ANTM will be tall, thin and gorgeous...America and the glocal fashion world will never accept overweight models
-overweight means you weigh more than you should
-male models are thin as well
-everyone should be thin
-i borrowed a pair of size 0 pants for halloween two years ago
-commericial fashion is not the same as high end fashion

-beauty is power
-pursuit of beauty is a long honored tradition
-our culture praises beauty
-there are ideals for both male and female forms

-the gay guys on ANTM are not stereotypes just highly experienced people doing a great job
-homosexuals are diverse
-the fashion world is dominated by women and gay men

Thats everything I wanted to say.

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