Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I think that it was interesting to read both of these articles because they made me look at feminist issues in a completely different way, but I do not agree with what was said. Personally, I feel that both men and women have been facing the problem of superficial qualities such as looks, background, and money affecting their lives—from whom they are allowed to marry to what kind of career they would have. I think that the pressure for women to look a certain way may be a little higher today because of how the media portrays what women should look like.

From shows like America’s Next Top Model to Victoria’s Secret commercials, our society is flooded with images of women’s bodies that are unrealistic and unhealthy goals for most women to achieve. However, I do think it is a realistic goal for everyone to exercise and to stay within their certain range of weight that is healthy for each individual’s body type. But it is completely unhealthy for the average sized woman to try to obtain a goal weight that is equivalent to the weight of models. Most models are healthy and are blessed with height and body type that allows them to not gain weight easily and to look much thinner than people who are short.

I just feel that the media should make it aware to people who do not have as much knowledge that models are not the average person. I also think that designers and modeling agencies should be strict on the minimum BMI that is required to models in runway shows. It should not have taken a girl to die in South America, or wherever that occurred (the girl who was only eating an apple a day), for minimal requirement to be made and for certain regulations to become tighter.

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