Tuesday, April 17, 2007

beauty myth

Honestly, I was dissappointed with the claims that people made in class today. I was dissappointed at the females who don't give other females enough credit. I was disappointed that so many females agree with the beauty myth, but only perpetate the beauty myth my being compeletly insecure with their bodies. A liberated empowered feminist would not succumb to social media constructions of how women are portrayed. You should feel sexy when you wear lingerie, instead of ignorantly thinking that you should look like Heidi Klum. You should be discerned with the beauty myth because the media does portray extremes ideals of beauty for both males and females. However, you don't have to pay attention and I personally don't think that most smart secure women do. I don't like how you stereotype females as being obsessed with weight when some, like me, are not. Not all women are insecure, there are actually liberated women who don't give a shit about starving themsleves. As for the women that are, it is sad that someone is completely ignorant and will buy into what the media spits out at you. That is not being feminist, so don't call yourself feminist if you are insecure with yourself for not looking like women in magazines. I don't have sympathy or the time for people that are so easily swayed.
I also think that the porn myth is rubbish. Although we haven't talked about this, I don't think men are less likely to go after women because masturbation to porn is more exciting. So what that porn may have made sex more excititng, but personally I don't feel threatened by porn. That article completely negated the fact that emotions are also involved in sex; therefore, if you actually really like someone you won't care that they do not hav sex like a porn star. Also, I think the article does not give guys enough credit because not all guys are obsessed with porn.

1 comment:

Jane Doe said...

Werd, keep it real.