Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ugly Betty and Devil Wears Prada

I really enjoyed hearing what each person said about Ugly Betty, The Beauty Myth and the related topics. I agree that it is great that there is a show for the latina population out there because there are not many shows centered on that certain population. There is George Lopez, Carlos Mencia and Ugly Betty; the only Latino based shows I know of. I also like the ideas that are addressed in Ugly Betty. For instance when Betty first walked in to the MODE office, Amanda, who could be a model, asked her, "Are you the before?" and "Are you delivering something?" the first time that Betty walked in. I liked how Betty said before she walked into the clear glass door, "I am an attractive, intelligent, confident, business woman!" It made me feel good as a woman that even the so called "ugly" girl is confident in herself which is important for all girls to have. I agree that all women are not anorexic or bulimic and there are some women with confidence in their appearance. I think the issue of eating disorders is addressed in both Ugly Betty and The Devil Wears Prada because those are the societies where the disorders are most likely to occur, not saying that anorexia and bulimia only happen in those societies. Also in The Devil Wears Prada and Ugly Betty the issue of image is addressed. In Ugly Betty one of the characters says, "business is image," which I think is true. That is why businesses have advertisements and ads mostly centered around so called beautiful people. Image is important to business that is why most business associates wear suits, and ties so that they have a good appearance . In my english class last year, we read the story A Doll's House and talked about feminist issues like this class. A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen addresses the idea of a woman leaving her family (her husband, children) because she is not happy and believes that her husband Torvald has treated her like a "doll" their entire eight years of marriage. SHe leaves in order to find herself and the world around her. The idea of the woman leaving the family was unheard of when the book came out, so Ibsen's book caused a lot of controversy. There are many important issues in Ugly Betty, The Devil Wears Prada and A Doll's House.

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