Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Colloquy and Carmilla

I have not yet wrote anything since the colloquy ended so I want do that now. I attended several of the events during the week and I was extremely impressed. The level of intellectualism was both enlightening and upflifting. I was inspired to look inwards and figure out why I do the things I do. Some of the questions that I had were answered by the speakers. I know why I'm at a liberal arts school, I know that grades are not the most important thing in's what you get out of it. To think, to discover, to be aware and to be prepared. It's obvious that I really did like the colloquy, and Rollins was wise in doing this.

What I got out of Carmilla is that it was a critque of contemporary culture. It wanted to express via "lesbian" vampires, female oppression in a male dominated society. Women empowering other women. The men in the short story don't really play a significant role, the story did not focus on the males.

What I did'nt quite like was family relation between the countess and laura. I guess I am putting a modern viewpoint on this, perhaps.

Well I am about to watch Fight Club, my roommate has the DVD, so I don't have to run to the library or the video store.

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