Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fight Club

I enjoyed reading fight club a lot. I enjoyed reading the book more than watching the movie. When you watch the movie, it seems more confusing than the book. The book let the reader's imagination go wild while the film was restricting. In the book, I liked the action, how everything was changing quickly word to word. I could not put it down. I liked how the book was chaotic. In the movie, I agreed with the way that the unnamed narrator was portrayed by Edward Norton but I wish they had a better Tyler(Brad Pitt) because I do not think he portrayed his character strong enough. I think the only reason they picked him is because he is good looking and will get an audience and he had a big name. Before Fight Club, Pitt had already done Legends of The Fall, SEVEN, and A River Runs Through it. I think they needed someone taller and more intimidating because that is the opposite of weak, small Edward Norton. I liked that Meat Loaf played Robert, 'Bob' Paulson, the feminine man due to testicular cancer and the hormones he is taking because Meat Loaf is a very big and can be intimidating man but when he played the character he was still big but not intimidating. He reminded me almost of a huge deformed teddy bear. My favorite part of the book was when the unnamed narrator found out that he is Tyler. That is when everything started to make sense to me. The book jumped around a lot between each thought that the unnamed narrator had were psychotic. I watched Fight Club with a friend and had trouble distinguishing between reality and psychotic episodes of the unnamed narrator. After watching the movie I was confused and I understood the book better. It felt like to me that the movie moved way faster than the book.

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