Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Beauty Myth

I really enjoyed the class' discussion tuesday. It is very entertaining to watch everyone getting so heated up. Personally, i can see some truths to the Beauty Myth, however not to the same extent as some of the other people in the class. Im not much of a feminist and these types of things really dont bother me at all. Just because im a girl, it doesnt mean that i have to agree with such hardcore ideas of femminism and take everything so seriously. Yes, there is this idea of media creating what some people view as the "ideal image." The key word here is "some people." I dont feel that it effects everyone in the same way. Media is how we communicate, and every culture has their own idea of the "perfect woman." It isnt just Americans alone. If a man is completely shallow, and only wants a barbie clone, then that is his problem, and hes is going to have an extremely hard time finding one. As far as im concerned, i wouldnt really want to be with someone like that anyways. I am most definately not a barbie, nor do i want to look artificial and plastic. Everyone wants to feel attractive and its not the media's fault. People shouldnt be pointing fingers at the television screen saying "the reason i feel bad is because you have images of beautiful people." I feel that self esteem is a much more serious problem. People need to be accepting themselves for who they are, and not just sitting around complaining about the entertainment industry.

Images on TV may influence people's thinking of what is beautiful and what isnt. Television is a business, thus they show what is going to sell. They make shows that are going to spark people's attention. I really find it hypocritical to see so many people in this class, with their so called feminist views and who complain SO subbornly about the media and is rules on beauty, religiously buying cosmo girl and watching shows such as america's next top model. Shows like this tear women to shreads telling these size 2-4 models that THEY are too fat. If you really hate television and its restrictions on female beauty, then dont watch television or buy stupid fashion magazines giving tips of how to dress trendy.

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