Monday, April 23, 2007

Gay Marriage Debate

Along with “gator,” I also attended the Gay Marriage debate. I believe it to be an issue of grave relevance to our society because soon, every state may very well prohibit gay marriage. I am personally in favor of gay marriage. I believe every man and woman should be treated equally under the eyes of the law and there should be no restrictions on civil liberties pertaining to marriage. Forbidding people from marrying the partners they love is preventing autonomous human beings from having rights. The audience asked the question, “Should the majority rule the minorities’ rights?” In our country this is the way things are administered. Homosexuality is said to be a social injustice and a representative of weak moral standards. However, who ever established this to be true? One word: Paternalism. The government does not have the right to decide what is morally fitting for our society. Additionally, I do not believe our country truly has separation of church and state. A large majority of those individuals against gay marriage are up-tight religious nuts who want to censor our society and inculcate moral values. The same goes with abortion laws; most bible huggers want to make abortions illegal.

In the battle against gay marriage, we are constantly told we must be a model to other countries. Shouldn’t that include being open minded and accepting of others? If we were supposedly a model for other countries, we would be passing a law which allows gay marriage and we would also have troops stationed in Darfur aiming to put an end to the genocide.

In arguing against gay marriage, the opposition stated that if we are to nationally legalize gay marriage, this opens the perpetual gate for more new laws to be introduced. Nevertheless, as we move into the future, maybe it’s time to establish these new laws. The debater said we made laws, such as polygamy, illegal even though some individuals may have wanted the law to remain. However, polygamy and gay marriage are two entirely different arguments considering polygamy amplifies the subordination of women and there are no valid, acceptable reasons to prohibit gay marriage.

The only arguments made against the installation of gay marriage are as follows:

1) Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman (it doesn’t have to be)

2) Marriages are for procreation and the continuation of the human race (adoption)

3) Gay relationships are immoral (Says who? The bible?)

4) Same-sex couples aren't the optimum environment in which to raise children. Also, children will be taunted or assaulted by their peers (even though the children will grow up in a house will love and care and will most likely be even more egalitarian.

5) Socio-economic factors- because our society is based on the structure of the nuclear family, it is difficult for some same-sex couples to earn money at a livable wage.

During the debate someone said that “marriage is the basis of our society.” However, I disagree because the patriarchy is the fundamental basis of our society. I believe it is for this reason (men in serious denial of their homophobia) men want to ban gay marriage. A child having either two mothers or two fathers will not likely grow up under the patriarchal social structure. In prohibiting gay marriage, the government is imposing certain historical morals on relatively new and modern terminology (considering the terms homosexual an heterosexual have not been around for very long).

In pondering and debating the issue of gay marriage, we must all remember that these are real, individual human beings we are dealing with and they and their relationships should be protected by the same rights which you and I are. Besides, how would you feel if the law forbid you to marry the man or woman you loved.

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