Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fight Club

I really enjoyed the class discussion today about Fight Club. This is one of the discussions where I feel that people were able to really get into how they feel about certain situations. Usually the class is calmer, a lot of silence, but I felt tension today which is a good thing. There was a lot more about feminism than just gender. Something that I found very interesting was how the constricting society was described as feminist, which is something I viewed in class. However thinking more about it I think it is kind of contradicting not only to blame the women for males being constricted in society but also saying it is feminist. Feminism and being feminine are two totally different things. These males may feel like they have been raised in a feminine society but I would never go to say it is a feminist society. A feminist society has the goal of equality between both men and women where neither sex is limited. In fight club it is saying that society is constricting the male, which is different from the usual argument that it is the female is the one who is constricted in society. I think it is a great book, extremely interesting and a great different perspective. There are always two sides to everything and I agree that men need to get out their aggression and anger in a society that maybe, yes, is a little to constricting sometimes. I also believe that the other side is important to recognize. That maybe women need to express their anger and aggression as well and maybe they are also constricted within society. If this was addressed, then it would have been a feminist theory. I think it is more of a society problem then a gender problem.

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