Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Felicity Hoffman is a talented and beautiful actress who played Bree/Stanley well, but I will not watch Transameria ever again. The subculture comprised of people who are transgender, transvestite, and crossdressing is one that I accept but do not agree with.

I repeat, I ACCEPT them but I do not agree with the way they are dealing with their disorder.
-Men are men and women are women.
-Our sex is biologically determined.
-Using surgery and hormone therapy to change ones sex is against nature. The results are only superficial.

A person who is disgusted by their own penis (as in Stanley) breasts, or vagina is not mentally stable. A guy willing to cut off his dick is no real man. I love my penis, and everyone NORMAL guy out there does so as well. The phallus is a symbol of masculinity and manhood. As a gay male, I am offended that homosexuals are compared to these people.
-Homosexuality is genetic.
-Wanting a sex change because you feel like you should be the other sex is physchological.
-The two cannot be compared.
-Gay men are men who like men.

As for crossdressing, our culture agrees that if done as a joke (i.e. halloween) it's funny. If it's done seriously, than that person is sick. It's not normal for a reason.

A couple of years ago, a good friend of mine took me to see a drag show and within minutes of being there I was sick to my stomach. I had to leave, but he didn't want to, so I punched him as hard as I could in the chest and knocked the air out of him.

A year ago, I found out that the person I was dating had done drag for 4 months, I went off on how much he disgusted me, made him cry, and ended our relationship over it.

1 comment:

probertson said...

I completely understand that homosexuality and tansgenderism are not terms that can be intertwined or confused. However, wanting a sex change may be psychological and not genetic, but that does not make it wrong! Gender is psychological too. It is entirely constructed and in no way innate. It is something one performs. From an early age, you were taught to want/love to be masculine... and your penis is an extension of that masculinity. Sabrina (Stanley) decided that she did not like being masculine, as a result she does not like her penis. Therefore, because she identifies with the female gender (it being entirely constructed and something you can choose to perform or not to perform) she wants the sexual organs that are connected to the female gender. I just think as a homosexual yourself, sometimes facing wrong and unnecessary bigotry and prejudice, you should be more accepting of trans gendered individuals. There is still not absolute scientific proof that homosexuality is affected entirely by genetics. I think maybe you should not be so cold to those people who are not comfortable in their bodies considering that homosexuality in our society/government is not accepted. They do not think homosexuality is normal (actually, they think it will lead to the downfall of our society) as you thin trans gendered people are "sick" and not "normal." But really, what's normal?