Wednesday, February 28, 2007

After reading Anna Carson’s “Eros The Bittersweet”, I found her views and thoughts very accurate. Through my experience in relationships I have found a wanting and desire from those who don’t give back as much. This point of view also relates to that of the relationships seen in the book “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”. In all of the relationships the women keep wanting more from the men. The women are trying to be in power or form a bond to make the relationship better, although they don’t get a response from the men. Maggie wants Brick so badly, but he has no desires for her because she is willing to give him everything. He drinks so much to put past his sorrows about Skipper. He doesn’t want to face the fact of their relationship, and how he treated his friend. He doesn’t want to be with Maggie, but she just keeps on wanting more from Brick because he has no interest. She wants what she can’t have or what he wont give her. It is also obvious is Big Daddy’s and Big Mamma’s relationship. Big Momma tries to take over and be powerful because she has never had the chance to run things. Big Daddy says that he doesn’t like Big Mamma and it is shown that she demands a lot of attention from him. Through Mae relationship with her husband, I think that they have so many kids because Mae doesn’t want to lose him and wants to keep having children to stay together. All of these relationships revolve around love and lust and different desires that need to be fulfilled.

On another note, I found parts of our discussion in class interesting. I don’t agree with the fact that many people want to be like pop stars or look up to them. I don’t think that people look for defaults in celebrities. To me, I think many of them set examples for kids to follow. Girls may want to be Lindsay Lohan which some think is bad, I think more people have to see the good side of what people are doing. She is going to rehab and setting that example to young girls to show them that its not always easy, and even celebrities fail and have to go to rehab. People may want to be Paris Hilton and people want to diminish her. People post her pictures to show that they aren’t people and that everyone isn’t perfect. I don’t think it’s the desire to be that person, I think it’s the wanting and longing for the same attention that they get. Along with Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie doesn’t set a good example to the youth. The media shows that even people who have such a status, get DUI’s, such as Nicole Richie might get. Many famous stars are just like us and give kids someone to relate their lives to.

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