Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The entire time I was reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof I kept thinking "Margaret, Leave him!" I understood why she stayed with Brick, but I didn't want her to. Loving someone that doesn't love you back will destroy you. It's not healthy and it hurts. Nobody wants to be in a relationship like that, but so many people are in them anyway. Why? Because human beings are hopeful. We are stubborn creatures. We think that it is different with us. We think that this time it will work. We always think that the person we are with will one day open their eyes and see what is standing right in front of them. I think it is funny how friends will always tell you to get out of unhealthy relationships like that, but when they are in one they don't see it that way. Everyone thinks that their situation is different.
In the past I have been in so many relationships where I have been head over heels for someone and they just walked all over me and I let them. And I don't just mean dating relationships. I mean family and friends as well. I don't confront people. I let them walk all over me because I know that they will see what they are doing. I believe in people. I expect them to see their own flaws and love me the way that I love them. It's bittersweet relationships, which for me means that it is bitter for me and sweet for them. Actually it is sweet for me too because I have hope and it keeps me happy and it is bitter for them too because part of them knows that the relationship they have with me is wrong.
Why do we let this happen? Because we desire a better outcome. We want to believe that we didn't torture ourselves for nothing. It is desire that keeps us going. Desire can lead us in a healthy direction, but it can also lead us in an unhealthy one. Margaret's desire for Brick to love her in return has lead her to force a man to make a baby with her so that she can keep him in her life. But we all know that he still isn't going to love her, even with the child, but her desire is too strong for her to know that. It's sad, but it's true.
Human passion is a strong part of our lives. Love can be a positive and a negative. It's bittersweet. It hurts, but we keep on keeping on because we hope that it will get better. We hope that this time it will be different. Doesn't that make you feel so happy that you are human?

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