Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What's more important?

In my opinion, first impressions are initially based on a physical attraction. Some people may consider this to be superficial; however, I consider it to be reality. In today’s American society we are constantly surrounded by materialistic objects and advertisements. Now, a product has the ability to change, enhance, and even manipulate a person’s appearance in order to portray their image of beauty. We are taught from a young age that beauty is only skin deep, and although I am a believer of this saying and do feel that personality is more important that physical features I also believe that it is difficult to encounter someone based on personality alone. For example, in class we discussed the issue of meeting a stranger at the bar, and how someone is more likely to approach a man or woman if they are physically attractive. What changes our motives about people is when we are exposed to their inner self and true personality. In the story, “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” Paul had an initial attraction to Delphi because she was beautiful. It is hard to say whether or not Paul would have approached P. Burke even though it was her personality that he fell in love with. What makes a person’s instantly attractive? You may be drawn by a certain appeal such as humor, romance, or mystery but subconsciously you have already decided if you consider someone attractive. I do not base my attraction solely on appearance; however, I do feel that some sort of physical attraction is necessary, and that personality is the most important quality of a partner for a relationship to work.

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