Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Unbelievable Future of Minority Report

Everything in the future world of Minority Report was totally cool. I thought all of the gadgets and devices that they were using were awesome. I wish that I could live in a world that was like that. What upsets me is the fact that in fifty years when all of this future stuff is invented, I am going to be way too old to enjoy it. What bothers me even more is the possibility that this sci-fi movie is shooting a little too far in the future. There is a very good chance that we are not going to be living in such a world in fifty years. There is still a chance, but a very slim one. It’s funny too look back twenty years ago and look at the movies they were making about the world we live in today. We don’t live in anything like what movies thought it was going to be. Everyone always assumes that it’s going to be a life of flying cars, food in pill forms, and civilizations on the moon. All of these things would be great to have, but I don’t think that is going to happen in our lifetime. I wish a film like Minority Report would be more realistic and not give the actors really cool gadgets and people who can see the future. Luckily it is a science fiction film and I should remember to keep in mind that the fiction part is very key part to this film.
What I thought was really funny is the relationship between men and women in the future. Women were still fighting for their rightful place in the world. You would figure in a world that was so technologically advanced would be psychologically and emotionally advanced as well. I know it was just a subtle and very small part of the movie, but the fact that the main character, John Anderton, didn’t realize what the scientist woman meant when she said “the more gifted of the three” was a sign that woman are still not completely equals. Also, all of the main and dominating roles in the film were played by men. The lead women were all submissive housewives. Yes, John Anderton’s wife did save him in the end, but yet again she was playing the wife protecting her husband. Then in the end, John saved the day. Also, the other women were secretaries and the “police officers” that stayed in the car while the men went to do the dirty work. What kind of future is it that the women don’t get to play with the big boys? If you are going to make a future movie, make it one where we finally get equality.

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