Tuesday, February 13, 2007

inner beauty vs. outer beauty

In James Tiptree’s short story, “The Girl who was Plugged In,” the classic struggle between physical beauty and inner beauty is dealt with. In the story, the character of Paul essentially develops feelings for two incomplete young women, falling in love with Delphi’s appearance and P. Burke’s personality. Once Paul realizes that Delphi is just a manufactured body, he attempts to save P. Burke, the person who is truly controlling Delphi. Once he sees what P. Burke looks like however, he’s horrified. Her grotesque body disgusts him. In regards to P. Burke’s startling appearance, Tiptree writes, “Paul is furious, the thought of that monster fastened into little Delphi’s brain nauseates him” (Tiptree 76). It seems that inner beauty just was not enough after all.
After our class discussion on inner beauty vs. outer beauty and Paul’s love for both Delphi and P. Burke, I began to think more about this complex relationship between appearance and personality. Are both characteristics necessary for a meaningful relationship? Can a relationship survive with one, but without the other? I know its possible to create a sustaining relationship solely based on physical attraction. But, is it truly possible to have a relationship which involves no physical attraction what so ever? Essentially, I think physical attraction and personal compatibility both play important roles within a meaningful, long lasting relationship. In other words, most of us desire the “whole package.” In Paul’s case for instance, it became clear that he could not have loved Delphi without P. Burke’s personality; yet he could not have loved P. Burke without Delphi’s appearance.

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