Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

The relationship between Brick and Skipper in the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof reminded me a lot of the relationship between Maurice and Clive in Maurice. What I got out of the play is that Brick and Skipper had an intimate relationship that was completely platonic. Brick has become an alcoholic because of his mourning the death of Skipper. A part of the play that I found odd is how Maggie and Brick are living in the room where the original plantation owners had a homosexual relationship together.

Even though Brick is an alcoholic and has homosexual tendency—he won’t sleep with his wife and had this relationship with Skipper—he is the favorite child of Big Daddy and Big Mama. Gooper is a successful lawyer who seems to keep up the plantation while Big Daddy is sick, but Big Daddy despises Gooper.

Maggie is the cat that is referred to in the title. I think that Brick’s neglecting her has turned her into a “cat”, someone who is bitter and has an attitude. Maggie’s mission is to make Brick appear to be the best heir for the family estate. She refers to Gooper and Mae’s children as “no-necked monsters”. Maggie does not have any children because her Brick won’t sleep with her, so this makes her bitter.

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