Monday, February 26, 2007

Minority Report

(i finally figured out my password)

I enjoyed watching Minority report very much. Thats funny because, ususally, i cannot stand Tom Cruise at all. I do love science fiction though. I thought it was really interesting how they adapted the movie from the short story, because it was not similar at all. However, the movie seemed to really pull the audience in to sympathize for anderton greatly. Adding the story of Anderton losing his son as his main motive of why he believes so much in Precrime really made alot of sense. The idea of Precrime was such an awesome idea. The idea that people could be arrested before even commiting murder, but even though they didnt commit it yet, was brilliant. What if they could just be stopped, and that be that. instead of putting thousands of people away. My idea of the precogs was completely different when i read the short story. I envisioned them to be like vegetables or really mentally handycapped people hooked up to a machine that printed out business cards. THe movie however made them far more glamourous and futuristic.

I think that the reason why differences between the futuristic elements of the story and movie were so great, have to do with the time periods in which each were made. i remember seeing an episode of an old tv show where someone came from the future who was from the year 2000. i cant remember the name of the show, but i think it was robin williams who was the person from the future. he was rediculously dressed in a spandex space suit with silly silver boots and gadgets. now that its 2007, it just looks silly. its funny how people view the future. Every generation does it. The idea of hovering cars, clones, and tight spandex suits seem to be what we now envision the future to be. What is it that shapes how we see the future? I think that the answer to that question is the technology we have and the films that we see. When one compares the quality of film now, to film ten years ago, there is a huge difference. Now that we grow up watching films like Minority Report, the Matrix, or Aeon Flux, their images have become what we think the future will be like.

I enjoyed both the short story and the film, and i liked seeing the differences in each.

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