Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What's Important?

I don't like the play. I don't like the movie. I do enjoy a good farce, but I don't think that this was a good farce. It was too in the middle. Like it didn't push the envelope far enough. Although, witty banter is always entertaining, the content is...nonsense. The play and the movie were wonderfully written. Obviously the movie used a lot of the play, and I did think that the new additions to the movie were appropriate. My problem with the story is my disbelief that people would be so clueless. Yes, it was for comedic effect and part of the classic farce, but it was too much like reality. People do fall in love for the wrong reasons and I find that to be sad more than funny. Besides, I guess I can understand that a woman would have certain standards that she would want in a man, but to believe that these men actually wanted these women is a stretch for me. They liked the chase. They liked the difficulty aspect of pursuing these women. A lot of times the chase is what makes it worth it. Thus, I believe their marriages ended in divorce and I don't think it was a happy ending. More likely that they ended up living Happily Never After.

The acting was well done. Seeing Rupert Everett playing a straight man was new experience, but I thought he did a good job. I wouldn't have cast it any differently. The classic British actor, Hugh Grant, would have been just fine, but I think that I am sick of Hugh Grant being in movies because he is good looking British guy. I am also not a huge fan of Reese Witherspoon when she puts in a British accent. But as always, Judi Dench puts on a great performance. No wonder she's royalty.

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