Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Minority Report Also

After reading and watching the film adaptation of “The Minority Report,” I would also like to ask the same question as KAM in reference to how this story is related to the issue of gender. I really enjoyed the story but it seemed to focus on a person’s character more than the issue of gender. The only point that was made concerning gender in the movie was the fact that the Precog Agatha was labeled as the smartest one of the three because she was a woman. I found that interesting while watching the movie; the fact that she supported the two male twins in determining the events of the future. Also interesting was the fact that none of the highly ranked officers in the Precrime division were female. The supported the view of Agatha as superior because all of these highly trained men looked on to her for the main visions of the future. I did enjoy the movie more than the book, which is not usually the case, because I liked the science fiction feel of the future that Spielberg was able to create. The use of retinal scans, mechanic spiders to detect body heat, and the whole emphasis on computer technology was a great touch. However, the movie said that Precrime ended around 1956-ish and I highly doubt that we will be producing such technology in fifty years.

1 comment:

Jane Doe said...

I think you meant 2056. otherwise precrime would have ended 50 years ago. =)